Svaroopa® Sciences
Svaroopa® Yoga is an effective, safe and reliable system of yoga creating a deep release of tension held in the body and mind. What you learn in class you bring into everyday life. Physically, you can find healing and improved function. Mentally, you can find clarity and discernment. Emotionally, you can find acceptance and contentment.
Svaroopa®Vidya Meditation, a yoga mantra-based approach, gives you an experience of your own inherent divinity. It will progress you toward inner serenity and peace of mind as well as improved mental clarity and decision-making.
What makes Svaroopa® yoga different?
In Svaroopa® yoga, you follow a series of poses taking you through a spinal sequence that releases your spine from the tailbone to the top. But don’t worry, it is deceptively easy and simple. With the help of props and adjustments provided, you will be walked through a series of movements that will release your spine. All levels of your being begin to open up simultaneously when you release your spine - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual - giving you access to your own deeper essence called “Svaroopa” in yoga text. People at any yoga skill level can take part in Svaroopa® yoga. ANY BODY can practice Svaroopa® Yoga.
Whatever you think meditation can do for you, it will give you much more!
Svaroopa® Vidya Meditation is based on the Kashmiri Saivite tradition in which you get an enlivened mantra to repeat. The mantra has been passed down through generations and has the power to uplift your mind. It will progress you toward inner serenity and peace. Svaroopa® Vidya Meditation gives you an experiential knowing of the bliss of your own Self. You will be supported in establishing a daily meditation practice to continue meditating with Ease.
Offerings include a 3-week series and Shorter one-hour meditations.
Discover more about yourSelf through Jnana yoga, the yoga of knowledge, which is revealed through yogic texts. The teachings are from different yogic systems – also known as darshanas or ways of seeing. This course material is suitable for anyone with curiosity. No yoga background is needed. These living teachings meet you where-ever you're at. This course will de-mystify and simplify the wisdom found in yogic teachings.
I will offer different Yoga philosophy series throughout the year. I can also design a series to support individual groups. Contact me and I can provide theme topics and assist you in choosing the series length.
Private Sessions
A private session, is an excellent opportunity to do yoga tailored to your specific needs. Rest in the confidence that the home practice that you learn supports you as effectively as possible. Private yoga classes support students who are new to the practice, gentle yogis, yogis who want to deepen their home practice or want to have a better understanding of the poses.
Embodyment® yoga therapy is based on the principles of Svaroopa® yoga. The therapist uses a “hands on” approach for the spine to help facilitate deep changes in the body. This modality facilitates a release of deep tensions within your body creating healing on all levels and promoting a connection with the deep inner peace that lies within.